
Sharing our best tips on how to effectively manage your ministry and make it more secure.

How to securely communicate with your counselors and counselees

For privacy’s sake, it is best not to email or text your counselors or counselees confidential information (you can click here to learn why). Here are some secure alternatives to email and text:

In-Person Communication

No tool is more confidential and personal than a one-on-one conversation.

An Encrypted Messaging Platform and File-Sharing Platform

You may consider using an end-to-end encrypted messaging platform in conjunction with a secure file-sharing platform. While it may be inconvenient to have to search for messages and records in different places, having two secure tools is still a better alternative than emailing or texting.

BibliCare Messaging

BibliCare allows you to send and receive messages in a way that is similar to bank email. How does it work?

  1. Someone sends a message.
  2. The recipient receives an email saying something such as, “You’ve received a secure message and must login in order to read it.”
  3. The recipient will login with their secure password to be able to view and reply to the message.

This helps prevent email providers or family members from being able to read counselees’ confidential emails.

BibliCare File-Sharing

BibliCare also allows you to securely share pre-counseling forms, session notes, homework assignments, and other documents from one place.

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About BibliCare
Tony’s church was using several tools to manage their counseling ministry. Over time, the counselors’ filing cabinets grew heavier, the excel sheets multiplied, and organization flew out the window. At that point, Tony decided that he needed to get coffee with a programmer named Bob. Together, they drafted up a concept for a website that would solve their problems – BibliCare. After BibliCare was created and Tony’s counseling ministry was finally running smoothly, Bob realized that other biblical counselors were likely having the same management problems that Tony had.
Today, our mission at BibliCare is to help biblical counselors spend less time managing their ministry and more time providing biblically-based counsel.