
Sharing our best tips on how to effectively manage your ministry and make it more secure.

How to review a counselor’s session notes

How does a counselor let you know that their notes are ready for you to review? How can you see what they wrote? How do you send them your feedback? In this article, we’ll share the different ways that reviewing session notes can be done.

How does a counselor let you know when their notes are ready for you to review?

They could email, text, or call you to let you know. If they email you, please be sure to tell them not to attach their session notes to the email or include them in the body of the email (see this article on how to securely communicate with counselees and counselors).

How do you (as an administrator/supervisor) access their notes?

Either counselors can drive to your office and place their paper notes into a filing cabinet, or they could share the file with you via a secure file sharing platform.

How do you send them your feedback?

Counselors can drive to your office again to pick up their session notes, or you could make comments on their electronic file and email/text them to let them know that their notes have been reviewed. Again, remember to be cautious of sending anything confidential through email.

What’s the easiest way to review session notes?

With BibliCare, reviewing session notes is easy and confidential. A counselor records their handwritten/typed notes in their account and clicks a button to request a review. Then their overseer receives a notification and securely records their feedback. When finished, all the administrator has to do is click a “Send Feedback” button, and the counselor is notified that their notes have been reviewed!

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About BibliCare
Tony’s church was using several tools to manage their counseling ministry. Over time, the counselors’ filing cabinets grew heavier, the excel sheets multiplied, and organization flew out the window. At that point, Tony decided that he needed to get coffee with a programmer named Bob. Together, they drafted up a concept for a website that would solve their problems – BibliCare. After BibliCare was created and Tony’s counseling ministry was finally running smoothly, Bob realized that other biblical counselors were likely having the same management problems that Tony had.
Today, our mission at BibliCare is to help biblical counselors spend less time managing their ministry and more time providing biblically-based counsel.