
Sharing our best tips on how to effectively manage your ministry and make it more secure.

What is the biblical counseling process?

  • Someone requests counseling.
  • The counselee completes pre-counseling form(s).
  • A counselor is assigned to the counselee.
  • An appointment is scheduled.
  • The counselor records session notes (which an administrator/supervisor may review).
  • Homework is assigned and completed.
  • Analysis of the ministry is made.

You could use filing cabinets, excel, your inbox, etc., to try and manage day-to-day tasks, but the most time-effective counseling process is streamlined - with everything you need in one place. See BibliCare.

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How to review session notes
When to assign your Personal Data Inventory (PDI)
How to securely communicate with your counselors and counselees
Pros and cons of typed vs handwritten session notes
How to get oversight over what’s happening in your ministry
About BibliCare
Tony’s church was using several tools to manage their counseling ministry. Over time, the counselors’ filing cabinets grew heavier, the excel sheets multiplied, and organization flew out the window. At that point, Tony decided that he needed to get coffee with a programmer named Bob. Together, they drafted up a concept for a website that would solve their problems – BibliCare. After BibliCare was created and Tony’s counseling ministry was finally running smoothly, Bob realized that other biblical counselors were likely having the same management problems that Tony had.
Today, our mission at BibliCare is to help biblical counselors spend less time managing their ministry and more time providing biblically-based counsel.